You’re probably thinking

“How? How can she have that level of confidence?”

Well without my complete lack of confidence that came with having acne, I wouldn’t be where I am now. It’s been the best journey of my life! 

Read more about my journey

I was there.

Looking in the mirror first thing every morning, taking pictures of my skin every 5 seconds and canceling plans.

Feeling like I wasn’t worthy of having healthy, glowing skin or being able to do all the things people with clear skin don’t even have to think twice about doing.

Trust me, I get it! 

You’re likely spending hours thinking of excuses to cancel your plans and once you have, you then spend all your time scrolling through social media instead, looking for the next ‘miracle’ skincare product to buy, hoping and praying that this time it will work out for you.

All of this, only for you to wake up the next morning looking in the mirror again feeling disappointed, drained and more insecure. 

I know all of this because I've been there. It’s not just you! 

This is why I created sKIn Discovery, to help you break out of the acne cycle rather than just breaking out!

Hey! I’m Kiara, the founder of sKIn Discovery.

3 years ago, I decided to stop searching for help and started creating it for myself. What I didn’t know at the time was how many women with acne, like you, needed the space I was about to create.

A place for validation where acne is the norm.

A place where anyone and everyone with acne is encouraged to show up as themselves, filter and makeup free.

Having learnt so much about myself as a result of having acne, I was able to understand my behaviours on a much deeper level after getting my Bachelor of Sciences degree in Psychology. I conducted a research study on the psychosocial experiences of university students with acne.

The results of the study were an eye opener to say the least!

After that, I knew exactly what my purpose was and that’s what has led you to me.

1:1 Acne Mindset Coaching Breakdown

We’ll be identifying your personal triggers and diving deep into WHY these are your specific triggers. I want you to understand yourself and your behaviours which sets you up perfectly for Phase 2!

Based on what we’ve learnt, this is where your action plan begins and we’ll always be going at a pace that works for you. Although, that doesn’t mean I won’t be giving you little pushes here and there! 

This is the transformational phase where we’ll be applying everything you’ve learnt. Your confidence will flourish in this particular phase! If you think this sounds stressful, that’s your current self talking. Get ready to be shocked because we’re doing this stress-free! 

Time to party! Small wins, big wins, whatever it is, this is where you’ll reflect on the insane progress you’ve made. You’ll be waking up ready to CHOOSE whether you want to wear makeup or not! We’ll also be creating an action plan for you to put your new found confidence to good use!

Our Values


Inclusivity is the foundation of sKIn Discovery. We reframe and repurpose all those years you lost hiding in the background because of your skin. 

A safe space

Every one of your thoughts matters. If something matters, there should be a space to explore it further. This is the space where your journey to skin freedom begins. 

Celebrating small wins

A big win means nothing if you don’t celebrate your small wins. I built my confidence by celebrating anything and everything and I want you to be able to do the same.


Acne is real and raw and that can be scary. The best sKIn Discovery transformations happen when you show up here in your purest form to allow you to fall in love with yourself as yourself. I want the real and raw YOU!